Andy Siddall is the Director and Co-Founder of Robincroft Consulting. For 20 years he held leadership roles within both educational environments and professional sport as an elite cricket coach and he has worked as a personal performance coach since 2015.

Personal performance coach Andy Siddall explains his theory behind Deliberate Leadership and how it can help you to achieve your business goals
If you are anything like me that question will annoy you! This is because leadership is so complex and dynamic we shouldn’t be looking to categorise people into boxes and one particular style, but instead recognise that the leaders who possess the most skills and flexibility of styles will be the most effective.
The style of leadership adopted by leaders can significantly impact their team’s motivation and performance, and we will all have natural tendencies for one style over another, a default as it were. But when it comes to the styles that leaders adopt a lot goes into the mix.
Naturally there is their personality, the impact of their cultural background and their experience to consider. Add to this their mindset and the time and space they are in, who they are leading, what needs to be achieved and in what timeframe, and of course, what is at stake.
Plenty has been written on leadership styles and a quick internet search will present you with various links and infographics on the subject. So, for this article, we won’t be duplicating a version of these or muddying the water with lots of approaches, but will list Daniel Goleman’s Six Styles of Leadership as a consideration point:
At Robincroft, we believe in leadership effectiveness and being able to make a positive impact is what it’s all about. With this in mind you may want to consider doing these three things:
1: Reflect on the culture, behaviours and outputs of those you lead. What’s good? What’s not? What needs to be different?
2: Reflect on your own leadership behaviours. What style do you spend most of your time in? Consider how those you lead would describe it, and answer the question of ‘what is it like to be led by you?’
3: Consider what the benefits could be if you adopted different approaches. What skills may you need to develop in order to be more effective?
It’s remarkable how many successful professional sports teams across the globe have had a similar mantra plastered across the walls of their changing room:
‘What does the team need from me now?’ The aim? To impact the decision making and behaviour.
As leaders we urge you to embrace a style of what we call Deliberate Leadership and to adopt a similar mantra by constantly asking yourself: What does my business/team need from me now? Or what does this person need from me now?
Deliberate Leadership is a style that requires both conscious thought and conscious action. It requires you to have a quality assessment of those you lead, which allows you to make quality decisions of what they need.
Deliberate Leadership is both purposeful and flexible, transitioning between styles and approaches depending on what’s required.
Deliberate Leadership is having both a clear intention in our approach and being clear where our attention needs to be to achieve the desired results while helping us grow and develop our employees. Leadership is complex, so don’t just do it – do it deliberately!

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